Buy and Ship is Global Online Procurement & Sourcing Agent. We specialize in the purchasing and handling of goods for behalf of our clients all over the world, But Mostly Customer buy byself, Because here lots of Banners and Websites are available, Who are ship worldwide. We will handle anything and everything from needle to plane like as

  • Agricultural products

  • Clothes

  • Consumer Electronics

  • Electronics

  • Handicraft & Vintage Products

  • Lighters

  • Liquor

  • Motor vehicles

  • Perfumes

  • Paints

  • Jewelry

  • Watches

  • and lots more. 

We are only help of those persons who are unable to buy directly from websites or from foreign countries, then we will send lead to company for complete the requirements of customers as per.


Our rule of thumb is that if u can order it On-line then we can ship it to you on your behalf. We also handle goods that cannot be found on-line and need to be picked up at a store and require be packaging and shipping. Upon request, we will also research for particular products " Online " or " at a Store " for our customers and deliver solutions on the most economical place to obtain the sought product as well the most economical mode of transporting those products depending on our clients' needs.

We have a great team of specialists with a tremendous amount of expertise in "Product Sourcing" and they are more than eager to offer their skilled services for our clients. We take pride in our client’s satisfaction every step of the way from the point of contact to post transaction. Your experience with Buy and Ship will be nothing less than exceptional. We look forward to working with you.


Delivery to more than 240 Countries and territories worldwide.

Review, choose, consolidate, repack and ship your packages in minutes. Just choose a link those you wants to buy from website or company across the world with your complete shipping address & contact no., We will buy for you on your behalf & send to your address, But we will charge some upfront payment from you for your order confirmation. Through our Buy and Ship service you have no need to get any virtual address at anywhere.